Not every person is capable of buying home, paying university/college fees, getting car or having enough money to invest in some business. In such conditions loan is the best thing to cope with such conditions when someone is facing financial problems which are hurdle in the way of acquiring home, paying fees or buying car etc…
1. Without Interest
2. With Interest
2. With Interest
When someone takes loan from a friend or from a family member then there are only conditions that when you will payback me that loan, only. Normally there are no conditions set for that. Such loans where lender never wants extra amount or charges over the loan money are called “Without Interest Loans”. Companies never go for such loans.
Second type of loan is “with interest loan”, there are so many companies and banks which are offering their services for loans on interest basis. A percentage of amounts are due to be paid by borrower besides the real amount which he took. This extra amount is called interest. The ratio or the percentage of interest varies from organization to organization.
Second type of loan is “with interest loan”, there are so many companies and banks which are offering their services for loans on interest basis. A percentage of amounts are due to be paid by borrower besides the real amount which he took. This extra amount is called interest. The ratio or the percentage of interest varies from organization to organization.
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